In Memory

Angela Shanley

22 Dec 1955 - 24 Mar 2022

Angela, my mother, was a beautiful woman inside and out. Brought smiles and laughter to everyone she met. Sincere, kind and loyal to all. She suffered with cancer for 3 years but never moaned once, kept positive and brightened up any room. With the love, care and support from Trinity she was mentally in best form, they gave her everything and more, they are true angels and people don't understand how important and special they really are. I am thankful for a wonderful mother, best friend and role model. And I am especially thankful to Trinity who I believe gave my mum a extended life with the support and genuine love provided. Thank you Royal Trinity Hospice ❤ My mother always gave what she could to Trinity, and I will continue to do so. But if you can also donate please do so, what Trinity gives is priceless but they do need the support of everyone to keep it going so please donate here. Thank you. Love always, Alison (proud daughter)

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