Quality and governance Governance Trinity's Board of Trustees has ultimate responsibility for the governance and leadership of the hospice. They are responsible for strategic decisions and for monitoring the organisation's performance and compliance - both with our own Articles of Association and with applicable laws and regulations. The Board works closely with the Chief Executive Officer and Executive team to set our strategy and monitor performance and risk management. They work through three Board committees and the board of our retail subsidiary. Our Quality Account Our Quality Account sets out how we deliver a high-quality service to patients and families and the priorities for future service development. It is an important way for us to demonstrate to our local communities the quality of our service and our commitment to continually improve what we do. Our Quality Account has been ratified by the board of trustees and our lead commissioner. Download our Quality Account 2023-2024 Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) The NHS describes the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) as a foundation for change that challenges us to think and respond differently when a patient safety incident occurs. Trinity's Patient Safety Incident Response Plan (PSIRP) sets out how we will respond to and learn from patient safety incidents reported by staff and patients, their families and carers, as part of our work to continually improve the quality and safety of the care we provide. The PSIRF is designed to focus on collaborative investigations led by those trained to conduct them. It ensures the involvement of patients, their carers, families, and staff in a system that responds appropriately and proportionately to the type of incident and other factors. It recognises the need to provide a safe and supportive environment for those involved in any investigation, with an emphasis on systemic improvement. This is a flexible plan which can and will be updated in response to patient safety incidents and issues which arise. Read the Patient Safety Incident Response Plan (PSIRP) Read the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework Policy (PSIRF) Care Quality Commission In August 2019 the Care Quality Commission rated Trinity Outstanding overall. Details of our report can be found below. Read our most recent Care Quality Commission Report Please select a donation amount (required) £20 A donation of £20 will help fund our specialist community nurses to deliver care to patients in their own homes. £80 Will help us deliver support to those who have been bereaved, including children. £150 Will help us provide around-the-clock specialist care to nearly 325 people on our inpatient unit every year. Other Set up a regular payment Donate Manage Cookie Preferences