The staff and trustees of Royal Trinity Hospice are delighted to announce that Her Majesty The Queen will continue as the charity’s Royal Patron following a major review of Royal Patronages that the King and Queen serve by the Royal Household. 

Her Majesty has been Royal Patron of Royal Trinity Hospice since 2006, following a long tradition of Royal patronage and support of the UK’s oldest hospice, which can be charted back to its earliest years. It is this association that led the Cabinet Office to grant permission for Trinity Hospice to become Royal Trinity Hospice in 2015. 

Emily Carter, Chief Executive at Royal Trinity Hospice said:

“We were thrilled to learn that Her Majesty will continue in her role as Royal Patron. Her Majesty’s support, encouragement and interest in the work of the hospice over many years is deeply appreciated, as have her visits to the hospice to meet with staff, patients and families.

Her Majesty’s most recent visit at the end of 2021 was especially memorable and uplifting for us all following the challenging time the hospice faced during the covid pandemic. We look forward to Her Majesty’s continued support and to welcoming her to the hospice again in the near future.”