Led by our Spiritual Care Lead, Time to Remember is our regular event an opportunity for friends, family members (including children) and carers to mark the death of a loved one alongside people who share the experience of recent bereavement.  

Time to Remember is a short reflection service, during which people who have been bereaved will have the opportunity to listen to readings and music that express some of the experiences of bereavement in a confidential and safe space. They will be able to light a candle, receive a physical token, and hear the name of the person who has died read out. The events are also opportunities to informally meet family and friends and other people who are bereaved as well as members of the hospice team.  

We aim to contact you directly with an invitation to Time to Remember, but it is open to anyone to attend whose loved one has died under Trinity’s care in the past 6-9 months.  

If you would like to know more about Time to Remember, including the date of the next event, please contact us.

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