10 tips for coping with grief at Christmas Christmas can be a very difficult time for you if you are coping with bereavement. You may find some ideas below that may help you cope better with grief this Christmas time. But if you would like to speak to someone, our bereavement team is here for you. 1. Change your routine Go away or visit a different relative or friend. By doing something different, you may be less likely to have the same memory cues. Take the opportunity to create a new way of Christmas for yourself. 2. Do what you can Bereavement can be exhausting so do not push yourself beyond what you feel you can do. You do not have to do everything you used to, for example, you could email a Christmas message to friends instead of writing cards. 3. Build a special place Use the Christmas tree as a place to hang special photos, letters and memorable objects. You could also build new traditions, for example having a remembrance ceremony with your friends and family or lighting up a candle in a corner of the room. 4. Welcome your loved one in Consciously create space for your loved one, even though they cannot be physically there. If you feel comfortable, speak about the person in an easy manner. This is especially important if you are celebrating with friends and family who might be afraid to mention this person and may contribute to building tension on a festive occasion. 5. Accept and reach out for help Tell someone how you really feel in the moment and allow yourself to feel whatever emotions that you have. When people offer help, though it may be difficult, accept it. 6. Avoid numbing ways of coping Especially with alcohol. It will only make you feel worse in the long run. Enjoy a glass or two, but know your limit. 7. Poetry, stories or songs Find constructive ways to cope like an inspirational story, poem or a song that can lift you up whenever you feel down. Choose it in advance and place it somewhere where you can see it regularly. 8. Get creative If you are feeling up to it, you can even write your own inspirational poem or story which can help releases difficult emotions and act as a kind reminder to yourself. 9. Move your body Regular physical exercise can provide great support for your emotional health. Other than being an emotional weight, grief can be embodied and affect you physically as well. 10. Celebrate Last but not least, celebrate when you get to the end of the day. Acknowledge and appreciate yourself in how you took control and found some enjoyment in the day. By following these steps as best as you can, you can create new special memories as well as remembering the special times you shared with your loved one. How Trinity can help At Trinity, we offer bereavement support for individuals, families and children. Find out more about our bereavement support Find out more about our support for children Manage Cookie Preferences