On Saturday 7 July, Trinity joined with nine other London hospices to march in the capital’s iconic parade that celebrates inclusion and equality for LGBT+ communities.

Hundreds of thousands of colourful supporters lined the glitter-covered streets to cheer on around 30,000 people, from almost 500 different LGBT groups, that took part in the parade stretching from Oxford Circus to Whitehall.



This year the parade organisers asked why Pride matters. For Trinity, and all the hospices that took part, the answer was to ensure that LGBT people know that hospice services are there for them and their families.  

Trinity was the first hospice to march in Pride London in 2014 and since then the presence of hospices at the parade has grown substantially. To ensure ongoing commitment to LGBT communities hospices serve across the capital, Trinity is part of the London hospices LGBT Network that launched in 2017. The network has seen continued development of quality services for LGBT people in London, and improved support for LGBT hospice staff and volunteers.   

Dallas Pounds, CEO at Trinity, said: “Taking part in Pride in London is a great way to connect with LGBT communities that need us. It’s vital for hospices, like Trinity, to publicly support LGBT communities and send a strong, clear message that we are here for everyone who needs us.

Trinity is not about providing special stand-alone services for LGBT people, but services which are genuinely inclusive and welcoming to all regardless of personal characteristics. Hospices truly have this inclusivity at their heart; our mission is to ensure everyone knows that, and no one is ever worried about approaching or receiving support from us.”

Learn more about Trinity's services.