The Wandsworth End of Life Care Coordination Service improves the quality of care for patients and their carers and reduces avoidable hospital admissions. It also means you can spend less time on administrative tasks and more time on clinical work. Our NCPC award-winning team works closely with you to assess and discuss your patients’ care needs before arranging the most appropriate services on your behalf.

The Service provides a central point of contact to arrange services for patients who have end of life care needs so they can be cared for in their own home.

The Service works closely with professionals including GPs, district nurses as well as teams at Trinity, to arrange the services that are needed to support people to be cared for at home.  

What services are available?

Care Coordination

A team of Care Coordinators, supported by experienced clinicians, act as a helpline to give you and your patients information, advice and support over the phone. They can organise and coordinate packages of care, including fast-track continuing healthcare and equipment.

Daytime health and personal care

A dedicated team of Royal Trinity Hospice Carers provide health and personal care for patients with continuing healthcare fast-track funding who need care in place quickly, prior to an agency package being in place e.g. to facilitate a rapid discharge from hospital or to prevent an unnecessary hospital admission.

Overnight planned nursing care

From 10pm to 7am, Marie Curie Nurses and Healthcare Assistants are available to care for patients with end of life care needs and provide vital support for their families and carers.

Read how the service helped Liz and her husband Paddy

Opening Hours

The Service is open 8am-8pm seven days a week, including public holidays.

Outside of these hours, please leave a message on our answerphone and we will contact you the next day.

Referrals to our service

We accept referrals from any health or social care professional. Please complete the referral form and email it to: [email protected]

Before referral, please check that your patients meet our referral criteria. A patient must:

  • have needs associated with end of life care
  • be aged 18 or older
  • live in, or be registered with a GP in, Wandsworth
  • have given their consent for referral or a best interest decision has been made on their behalf with the reasons documented in full.

Contact Us

Telephone: 0300 3000 116
Email: [email protected]
Please note we no longer use fax and any faxes sent will not be received.

About the Wandsworth Care Coordination Service

The End of Life Care Coordination Service was commissioned by NHS Wandsworth CCG to help more patients approaching the end of life to be cared for and to die in their place of choice through ensuring they and their families have access to high quality care and support at home.

The service is provided by Royal Trinity Hospice, commissioned by Wandsworth GP Federation since February 2015. 

Download a pdf leaflet about this service for patients and their families