Donate in memory

Remembering someone special

By supporting Royal Trinity Hospice in memory of someone special, you can make a huge difference to others who need our care and support in the future. Donations like yours help us deliver first-class care, completely free of charge and help us be there for the next family who needs us.

Your in-memory donation is a thoughtful way to celebrate someone special while helping us to be there for the next family who need our vital services. It means we can continue to go above and beyond to help our patients and their loved ones make the most of every moment they have left.

A Trinity Tribute Fund is your own online memorial space on our website. It is a great way for you, and those close to you, to celebrate your loved one's life, whilst helping to raise vital funds so we can continue to support families like yours. 

 Set up a Trinity Tribute Fund

Your Trinity Tribute Fund is free and easy to set up, personalise and share with others, all in a few quick steps.

How to set up your Trinity Tribute Fund

 Set up a Trinity Tribute Fund

Other ways to donate in memory

Dedicate a leaf on our memory tree Funeral collections Find a Tribute Fund