Donate in memory

Remembering someone special

By supporting Royal Trinity Hospice in memory of someone special, you can make a huge difference to others who need our care and support in the future. Donations like yours help us deliver first-class care, completely free of charge and help us be there for the next family who needs us.

Your in-memory donation is a thoughtful way to celebrate someone special while helping us to be there for the next family who need our vital services. It means we can continue to go above and beyond to help our patients and their loved ones make the most of every moment they have left.

You might like to ask your friends and family to limit funeral flowers and make a donation to Trinity instead.

If you would like to collect donations at a funeral or memorial service, in lieu of flowers, we can provide sealable donation envelopes. These envelopes also allow us to take donations by card and claim Gift Aid.

Below is the information about Trinity to include in an order of service. 



Help with planning

whiteballoon is an online resource to signpost and offer guidance to make informed decisions about how best to honour and celebrate someone's life. The website provides information about creating a funeral or celebration of life that is right for you and those close you, as well as bereavement support, end of life planning and a directory of local and national service providers. 

whiteballoon is one of Trinity's wonderful Local Business Heroes who choose to support Trinity each year. Thank you to all at whiteballoon for your kind support. 

To find out more, visit their website below.


We appreciate this way of supporting Trinity is very personal, if you have any questions please contact Hannah Lloyd on 020 7787 3226 or [email protected].

Other ways you can fundraise in memory

Fundraise at home Create a Tribute Fund

Take on a challenge